Perishable Language

perishable language

This song comes from one of a number of phrases that sometimes pop up just as I am about to fall asleep.

This phrase was intersting enough that I decided to explore in a song some of the possible meanings of Perishable Language.

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As I fall towards sleep words break off,
Between down there and me up here.
I rescue some, others tumble
Perishable language,
Perishable language.

He lost the thread of poetry,
Without music to wash it down.
Poems without music
Perishable language,
Perishable language.

91 years old, she’s the last
To murmur the ancient dialect
Took with her the last bits of her
Perishable language,
Perishable language.

Birds and frogs would sing,
And we learned to listen.
But they are in retreat with their
Perishable language,
Perishable language.

He called me up before he died,
Told me he loved me, I said the same.
In two days he passed away but I kept his
Perishable language,
Perishable language.